
Childhood literature is an universal heritage and many of our pupils will feel encouraged to read books with more interest by knowing our partners’ national literature, legends and fairy tales, thus, discovering new cultural horizons. This project allows us to arrange a virtual international collaboration between our pupils and teachers which will become reality through pupils exchanges and project meetings. We will provide them the possibility to meet, exchange their experience, communicate and make long time friendship.

Project objectives:

For pupils:

– To increase their interest in reading literature and reduce functional illiteracy level by involving them in activities such as researches and documentation work about national legends, fairy tales, childhood literature characters, sessions of reading literature by older pupils to kindergarten children, theatre plays inspired by fairy tales and legends heroes.

– To improve pupil’s ICT skills by Etwinning LearningLab courses, using computer in researches about literature characters, making electronic documents, using facebook group.

– To improve foreign language skills by letter exchanges in English with their peers, facebook group, e-mails, theatre plays in English inspired by national fairy tales heroes, using project products in English during school courses,  pupils exchanges.

– To develop our pupils’ cultural awareness  and expression by promoting national childhood literature,fairy tales, legends, organizing the “Literature Characters carnival” and “Draw your favorite character” competition.

– To provide a democratic learning environment for all pupils by reducing disparities in learning results as well as to reduce early school leaving level by making school activities more attractive through interdisciplinary courses.

For teachers:

– To develop our teachers’ pedagogical skills by providing them training courses and by working together with partners to create a curriculum programme (Reading is fun!) which will encourage pupils to read books and acquire positive moral values promoted by childhood literature.

– To develop ICT skills by using computer and internet in interdisciplinary teaching activities related to project theme, elaborating electronic documents, exchanging project activities data, uploading information on the project web sites.